Wednesday 12 June 2013

My most recent work. Paint Splatter Nails

This is my very first attempt at paint splatter nails and I had lots of fun doing it. I used Models Own apple pie scented as a base, then Rimmel London in teal colour as my first splat. The second two were Avon own brand, my favourites, licorice and rebel rose speed dry.

This was my first real experience using a Models Own nail polish as a real layer, i found it difficult to get used to at first. It came out quite thin, so I had to overload the brush in order to get a decent layer, though this loading completed 2 of my nails easily, there was always a risk of my flooding my nail. It only took 2 layers to get an opaque finish which is very good, considering it's a light colour, I usually struggle to get a full layer without it looking smeared, especially with white!!
Does anyone else find that happens as well?

Let me know what you think about this design. :)

Lots of love
Polished and Pruned

The start of my journey

So here it goes!

First of all, thank you for coming to my blog space! I started off on Instagram, posting pictures of my fancy nail art, that I done on myself and others. I was pretty proud of this until I saw all the other pics and how many amazing artists there are out there. So i'm going to record my progress and attempt to swatch my ever growing nail collection. 

I hope you can enjoy my path of progress to a near professional nail artist. I will be posting plenty of pics and I will appreciate any critical feedback that you may have to give to help me improve.
When I have enough followers I will be hosting international giveaways.

Lots of love
Polished and Pruned
(Chase Biddle)

p.s. If you want to contact me about anything then e-mail me at, I look forward to hearing from you